Now Shopping: Tessile
Rare and wonderful oval centers from the Italian 20th century
Rare and wonderful set of late nineteenth-century Italian doilies
1900s Italian Macramé Lace
Precious Unique 1920's Italian Bridal Fabric
Ancient rare pair of Ambrasses from the 19th century
Antique 20th century Italian lace and lace
Set of wonderful applications of fine Italian lace from the 1900s
Italian ECCLESIASTICAL LACE from 1900, a unique historical treasure lot of 14 meters
Cotton border with roses from 1920, set of 4 metres. A Timeless Elegance
20th century Italian trinette. 15 meters. A Masterpiece of Refinement.
Unique and rare set of pure antique linen towels
Vintage Italian 1920s bridal bodice
Beautiful antique lace border from the 20th century 22 yards
Ancient French Tapestry from the last century
19th Century French Tapestry Mantua “Garland of Flowers”
19th Century French Tapestry Mantua
Antique Sicilian curtain panel
Wonderful antique 1900s Italian Cretonne fabric in large size
Ancient Italian 20th century Mantuan wonder of antiquity