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Pair of antique wooden armchairs from the early twentieth century in Italy
Set of antique furniture embellishments in polished brass from the early twentieth century in Italy
Rare antique bleached brass frieze “ArtNouveau”
Ancient rare pair of Ambrasses from the 19th century
Antique polished brass door knob
Ancient Art Nouveau frieze in white wrought iron
Antique art nouveax brass frieze
Antique 20th century Italian lace and lace
Antique 20th century bronze chandelier with cherubs and crystals
Wonderful unique and rare 19th century curtain rod
Pair of vintage amphorae from the mid-20th century Italian
Wonderful Italian Swarovski crystal knob from 1950 for doors and furniture
Antique ecclesiastical brass candelabra from the early twentieth century in Italy
Antique 1950s Italian satin crystal knobs
Coat hanger in burnished brass, Italy 1950
Ancient pair of Italian rustic style door handles
Antique 20th century Italian polished brass furniture handle
Ancient and rare pair of “art nouveau” wall lamps
Set of wonderful applications of fine Italian lace from the 1900s
Italian ECCLESIASTICAL LACE from 1900, a unique historical treasure lot of 14 meters